Monday, January 13, 2014

Back to work

After a year of being unemployed, Nate (my DH) just got a job. Today is his first day, time for me to get used to having the house to myself again. I'm thinking a lazy day today, snuggling with the baby, watching my shows (the sappy shows that Nate wont watch with me) and coffee! Ok maybe snuggling with the baby is just a wish... chasing after him picking up his messes is more likely, let the toddling ensue! As for right now, I'm planning out my garden! I've tried for the last three years to have a garden. the first couple of years we didn't get loam or till in time. Same as last year, but last year I did containers. I planted tomatoes and peas in containers and got a great crop of tomatoes. The peas started out great, I harvested three and had tons on the vine, but the goats found them. so much for the peas. for some reason the goats did not like tomato vines, but the pig loved the just ripened tomatoes, and ate most of them before I could pick them. This is the year I'm going to actually do my real garden, with a fence around it. If I start planning it now maybe it will actually happen. I don't know which varieties I'll plant yet, but I want to plant mostly heirloom so I can try my hand at saving seeds. Here is the list green beans sugar snap peas cucumbers to pickle cucumbers to eat zucchini summer squash normal peas (the kind you shell) sugar pumpkins watermelon butternut squash jalapeno spinach romaine butter lettuce maybe iceberg I also want to plant asparagus, even though it takes three years to yield. I can't wait to see if the rhubarb I planted comes up, I'll try that again if it didn't. we already have raspberries and blackberries (if the goats don't eat them all again) I'll post about the edible landscaping I want to do tomorrow. =

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