Thursday, January 16, 2014


I guess I'm a little late with the introductions, that probably should have been my first post.

I am a mom, I love Jesus, reading, baking, shopping, and COFFEE, lattes, espresso, or the regular stuff, flavored, or dark roast are my favorites, shoes, and coach.

Nate is my hubby, and best friend. He just went back to work as a planner. He loves cars, snowmobiles, 4 wheelers and the like. He's a bit of a gear head. He is also a financial guru. He really is great at finding good deals and making finances work, even with a little budget. He's helped me to become more financially aware and although its a struggle I'm continually working toward spending less, and I'll be sharing some of my struggles with this and some of his tips for financial health, and what we've done. He's also helped friends with their budgets and spending, and some have told us his plan worked better than that other financial guy out there.

  We have 5 kids as I've mentioned before.

I have a beautiful 12 year old daughter, She's a bit of a diva, she loves to read and she dances, she's on the competition team.

 I have three stepsons (life gets a little crazy with them).

E is a 7 year old. He plays soccer and has yet to decide on any other sports, He loves animals and is the enthusiastic helper around the house.

M is the mad man of the house, a bull in a china closet, but very, very caring, he plays soccer and basketball so far, I'm sure there will be more sports for him.

C is mostly sweet, a bit OCD, ok very OCD, He LOVES watching football and hockey. Loves wearing sports outfits, and plays soccer, I'm sure there will be more sports in his future.

The baby S, is 15 months old and he's ours. He's a sweet little boy that loves to get into everything, snuggle with momma, play with his siblings and his animals. He also loves to play with balls and cars, and to eat!

We have a crazy life because there are so many of us, and so many of them are active boys. We also have two dogs, a cranky ten year old Papillion, Toby (he's mine I had him before we got married). We have a Black Lab, Mari Alice Tibbetts, she is the best family dog ever. She tolerates every torture dished out by the kids with a thumping tail and a smile. We also have a cat, Puffy, a tiger kitten who is wild and crazy, yet sweet and snuggly. Our outside pet is a sweet unassuming goat named Junie, she's aDS Nigerian dwarf doe. We also have chickens.
We just recently lost our other goat, Mayo and our mini potbelly pig, Johnny cupcake within a week of each other to an illness, which was so, so sad. We are so glad that Junie lived through it, but is very lonely without her friends.
This summer I want to start doing more than just egg chickens. I'd like to try some meat birds. We've been talking about getting another potbelly pig... One that will be more like a dog. Johnny cupcake was getting more friendly but wasn't socialized enough as a piglet so never would have been the dog like pig we wanted, but we still loved him lots. Mayo was a baby goat that was taken too young from his mother, he was not the most healthy of goats to begin with, but I loved him and bottle fed him myself.

This is us, I hope you keep coming back to get to know us better!

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