Friday, January 24, 2014

Latte Loving- espresso

Part of making a great latte like I posted here is the espresso. Trust me, if you try a good shot and a bad shot you CAN tell the difference. If you want to make your own espresso at home and have it taste like a coffee shop I can tell you how.  First, the coffee grind for espresso should be a few notches finer than a 'normal' coffee grind. you should fill espresso cup for the brewer and lightly tamp down the espresso lightly is the key, if you go too hard the water won't stream through well. affix the espresso cup and brew.  when a properly brewed shot is done there should be three distinct parts, with the top layer being crema (a light froth) this is created from the tamping down process. The shot of espresso should be used or drank immediately, as the quality of the espresso will decrease rapidly (15 seconds and its rather gross) a fresh proper espresso shot should be rich and caramelly and smooth... you can taste the difference if its not done just right!

I posted about the cost here

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