Thursday, February 27, 2014

car saga

Well after spending $1300 on our expedition's fuel system and Nate totaling our Durango Then searching for a month for a new car, or cars because the expedition had been acting up again- it died.

The transmission blew on Nate's way to work, ugh!

Rental car and marathon car shopping trip this weekend here we come...

Another however long being stuck at home with no car for me...

I've been stuck at home since December really. The expedition had been broken for over a month, and the Durango was also having work done to it, Then we had one vehicle done and Nate went back to work and school with it... Then for a blissful week or two, both vehicles were running and on the road, I could go to target, and run errands and visit friends during the day... pure bliss. But then, My Durango was totaled. One car is doable, not fun. Particularly when Nate heads to work at 5:30 am and he works 40 minutes away, so its not like I could even bring him to work and have the car for the day.

I'm not looking forward to having a car payment again... on the expedition we have a minimal car payment, well secured personal loan, but that will be gone soon.      

The plan is (I think) to get another vehicle that fits the whole family, and get the expedition fixed, then we will have a backup. I don't know if we are going to have a car payment on this new family vehicle, but are going to wait until the expedition is paid off (thank God) to get a third, commuter vehicle.

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