Monday, February 10, 2014

How to never have to sort laundry again

With a family of seven, four being little boys, three wearing similar sizes. sorting laundry can be difficult, tedious, and time consuming especially when the sizes on the tag are worn off.

We do have the kids help fold clothes, and our twelve year old does her own laundry usually. Even still seven people make for a lot of laundry. We found a way to make it easier. we bought a laundry basket for each boy, (well other than the baby), and have them put their dirty clothes in them, when the laundry basket gets a little full we throw all the laundry in the washing machine (using color catchers to prevent colors bleeding), then in the dryer, then back in the laundry basket for the boys to fold and put away completely eliminating sorting.

This method also gives the kids some responsibility in doing laundry, because they give me the basket when its full then, fold and put away their own clothes.  As they are tall enough I will also show them how to work the washing machine and dryer.

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