Saturday, February 1, 2014

February challenge

I'm challenging myself in two areas this February. I've posted before about Facebook free February. No Facebook for the entire month, a few of us are doing it. I also will be doing No Soda February. I've been drinking way too much soda lately. A couple friends did this challenge in January and my plan had been to join them. I failed, the very first day! In my defense I had a stomach bug January first, and nothing settles the tummy quite like coke or ginger ale. Anyway, instead of starting late and finishing into February I decided to wait until February to give it up for the whole month.  This will be a little tricky, because we have Valentine's day and February Vacation. We always do root beer floats with the kids for Valentines day, and I LOVE Root beer floats, and really just any root beer. Nate and I also go out for dinner for Valentines Day. On this date, because it's special I'd usually get a soda instead of water, I refuse to get coffee out to eat because they charge ridiculous prices for not so great coffee. I'd rather pay $4 for a Starbucks, than $2 out to eat for yucky coffee twice. I very rarely drink anything but soda or water when out to eat. On occasion I will have a glass of wine, or a beer, or a margarita, but that is maybe once a year. That won't change because of my no soda challenge. We also do fun things with the kids over February break. Again one of those things being root beer floats, and another one being out to eat. Usually when the kids get a soda to drink (which is very very rare) I will end up taking a sip or two, and if the family goes out to eat together I'll usually get a soda. I also get soda when we go to eat somewhere I know has yucky water... I think we are going to one of those places tonight.

Signing off... No soda and no facebook for Liz

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